FGPC Paddle’s Up Newsletter
New Outrigger Paddles available at Waterfront Outfitters
Paddling blades
We’ve got a new shipment of outrigger paddles and steering blades at FGPC’s Waterfront Outfitters.
Here are a few of their features:
- Mekana: Specially designed for female paddlers.
- Nehu: The lure of the Nehu is its thin, sleek blade. It enters the water with stealth and power.
- Hoku: Now has updated features all around; a larger blade, a slimmer shaft, and an enhanced Ergo-T top.
Steering blades
Ready to take outrigger steering to the next level? Waterfront Outfitters has two styles of steering blades available now.
- Biscuit steering blade: It’s a light, strong composite hybrid that goes the distance.
- Hawaiki steering blade: Kialoa’s take on the Tahitian Steering paddle. It’s the most versatile outrigger steering paddle in their line.